Welcome to my personal website!
I’m a Computer Engineering student at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. I started my AI journey in 2019 with great enthusiasm for this field ever since. I’ve managed to apply my knowledge to both academic and industrial scenes as I’m currently Research Assistant in Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) (Computer Science department) and Data Scientist in Digikala.
With an extensive background in the AI field, I’m more interested in domains where Artificial Intelligence and Hardware collide to provide something innovative. The mixture of AI (more specifically, Deep Learning) and areas like Smart/Autonomous Systems, IoT, Robotics, Hardware-Accelerated AI, and Cyber-Physical Systems is where my enthusiasm lies the most.
I’m also much interested and capable in problems that precisely lie in the Deep Learning area.
This website acts as a detailed version of my CV, where I explain my academic career and projects. Here are different sections of this website:
Also, my current unofficial transcripts are available here.
Last Update: September 23, 2021